welcome to dilf haus

matthew, ivan and emily and friends taking a selfie on a bench in a sunny day in golden gate park

1. choose your fighter

first, press play on one of the below tracks for the appropriate soundtrack for your e-vite experience. YAY

2. housewarming <3


friday, oct. 6, 2023. 7:30 p.m.


dilf haus, at [REDACTED], sf (check partiful)


the theme is "good things come in threes" (we saw your vibe from across the dilf haus and we really like your vibe...) interpret this however you wish!


emily "gorgiana grande" liu

ivan "ivanka trump" zhao

matthew "third cheek" sun

...and our friends (the best people in the entire world)

rsvp...or else

at partiful dot com

sitting is the opposite of standing